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Upcoming Casting Opportunities


GENERAL NOTE: These two shows are performed in a rotating repertory, meaning they alternate on a given night. You will be given an opportunity to let the directors know which show or shows you are interested in.  We encourage actors to audition for both shows, if interested. In an ideal world, the directors are seeking one cast for both shows, however actors only interested in one or the other will still be considered!

Actors must be 14-21 years old to be considered for casting.


By Mel Brooks and Thomas Meehan
Music & Lyrics by Mel Brooks

Directed by Ti Ames
Music Direction by Abby Smith

Performances: July 10, 12, 18, 19*, 20*, 24, 26* [*2pm matinee performances]

Auditions: Friday March 21,  5-7pm, and Saturday, March 22, 10-3pm

PLEASE NOTE: If you are unavailable on the audition dates, we are accepting video auditions with a preference for standing and your body in the frame. Please contact to submit your audition.

Callbacks: Sunday, March 23, 12-6pm

Rehearsals Begin: Sunday, April 27* (*time TBD) 

Rehearsals are scheduled Sunday through Thursday evenings from 7-10pm. 

Please bring a list of schedule conflicts to your audition 


by William Shakespeare
Directed by Daniel Kunkel

Performances: July 11, 17, 19, 25, and 26. 

Auditions: Friday March 21,  5-7pm, and Saturday, March 22, 10-3pm

PLEASE NOTE: If you are unavailable on the audition dates, we are accepting video auditions with a preference for standing and your body in the frame. Please contact to submit your audition.

Callbacks: Sunday, March 23, 12-6pm

Rehearsals Begin: Sunday, April 27* (*time TBD) 

Rehearsals are scheduled Sundays through Thursday evenings from 7-10pm. 

Please bring a list of schedule conflicts to your audition

Live Arts holds multiple auditions throughout our season. To stay up to date on auditions, casting calls, and opportunities follow us on Instagram, Facebook or sign up for our volunteer newsletter.

More Ways to Get Involved!

Check out our volunteer page for more opportunities to get involved!

Check out our more opportunities page for information on year-round programming

Meet Our Production & Volunteer Manager Aldrian Argante!

Looking to get involved, but don’t know where to start? Aldrian Argante will get you signed up for an audition, help you find volunteer resources, or chat about what volunteer opportunities might be a good fit for you.

If you are interested in auditioning this season, reach out to

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