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Exceeding Expectations

While many nonprofit theaters across the country struggled under the stress of the past four years, Live Arts is exceeding expectations. Our volunteer numbers expect to top 1,200 this season. Our subscription base is the highest in four years and well above the national average. We welcomed more than 900 first-time audience members last season. And every show of the EXPECTATIONS Season sold out or far exceeded its goal.

That’s great news. It means we’re bucking the trends but it doesn’t mean we are out of the woods.

Like most theaters, Live Arts is not back to pre-pandemic funding levels, and the cost of everything from lumber to insurance is going up. That has created a $100,000 budget gap that we invite you to help us close by the end of this year.      

As you may know, it takes more than $1 million to run this remarkable theater. Less than half comes from ticket sales, education fees, and concessions. The rest comes from grants (which are less inclined to fund the arts), sponsorships, and philanthropic gifts from theater lovers like you. Please help us exceed expectations by making a tax-deductible gift today.

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