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Shannon Montague

Shannon Montague is a 2005 UVA graduate who was lucky enough to perform at Live Arts way back then! She returned to Charlottesville to work at St. Anne’s-Belfield School as the head of the Learning Village (read: grade K–8 principal) in 2017, and in 2020 she moved to Richmond, where she is now the head of school at Sabot at Stony Point, a preschool-to-grade 8 school. In her professional life, Shannon has taught English and theater and directed plays and musicals at the middle and high school levels. Having spent her entire life on the community theater stage, she was excited to re-enter the Live Arts community by performing in RAGTIME. When free time (which is in short supply) is available, Shannon enjoys good food, good wine and good books – all by the water.


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