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1995-1996 Season


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About This Show

14 March - 30 March, 1996
Directors: Gretchen Weigel, Rebecca Royce, Emily Jo Tisdale, Adam Nixon, Brad Fischer, Phillip Kerl, Boomie Pedersen, Patrick A. Reed, Mauro Ivo Tomasini, Jim Mustin

WRITING ROMAN by Adam Nixon;MEANINGLESS CONVERSATION by Rebecca Royce; THE LONELY MAN by Emilie Jo Tisdale; FLAG DAYS by Kyle Zimmerman;CAN'T TOUCH 'DIS (EVEN IF YOU TRY) by Art Wheeler; VENUS by Brad Fischer; DON'T HANG UP by Philip Kerl; FLIGHT by Brad Stoller; FIFTEEEN MINUTE AUDITION by Jane Martin; PROS CONS & EX-CONS by David Kleiner; FIFTEEN/FOUR by Patrick Reed (assisted by Waldo Jaquith; LOOKING FOR FATHER by Jim Gibson; 100 SUNSETS by Bill Van Soren; AN INTERVIEW WITH EMMA GOLDMAN adapted from thebwritings of Emma Goldman by Susan Murren-Azad; DON'T TAKE MY HAND by Mauro Ivo Tomasini; TALK SHOW BABYLON by Stan Fuller; FAME by Christopher Gore; GOV. GOOBER & DEMS FOR DAISY by Norman De Ploom; A BIT OF VAUDVILLE by George and Leah Baker; AUGUSTAS' LAST DANCE by Johnny Jones


Theresa Ducey as Ensemble (Writing Roman)

Greg Delonardis as Ensemble (Writing Roman)

Brooke Maughn as Ensemble (Meaningless Conversations)

Cristie McKiethen as Ensemble (Meaningless Conversations)

Kasha Mustin as Ensemble (Meaningless Conversations)

Josh Riley as Ensemble (Meaningless Conversations)

Emily Jo Tisdale as Ensemble (The Lonely Man)

Andy Rowland as Ensemble (The Lonely Man)

Mike Tadaro as Ensemble (Flag Day)

Jeff Woods as Ensemble (Flag Day)

Chris Tunkel as Ensemble (Flag Day)

Jason Linkus as Ensemble (Flag Day)

Art Wheeler as Ensemble (Can't Touch 'Dis (Even If You Try)

Gigi Payne as Ensemble (Venus)

Mary Coy as Ensemble (Don't Hang Up)

Glenn Harris as Ensemble (Flight)

Mecca Burns as Ensemble (Flight)

Brad Stoller as Ensemble (Flight)

Cynthia Burke as Ensemble (Fifteen Minute Audition)

Clinton Johnston as Ensemble (Pros & Ex-Cons)

David Kleiner as Ensemble (Pros & Ex-Cons)

Boomie Pedersen as Ensemble (Pros & Ex-Cons)

J. Justin Taylor as Ensemble (Pros & Ex-Cons)

Linda Zuby as Ensemble (Pros & Ex-Cons)

Patrick A. Reed as Ensemble (Fifteen/Four)

Waldo Jonquith as Ensemble (Fifteen/Four)

Noah McMurray as Ensemble (Fifteen/Four)

George Szabad as Ensemble (Fifteen/Four)

Susan Murren-Azad as Ensemble (An Interview with Emma Goldman)

Beau R. Marie as Ensemble (Don't Take My Hand)

Hunter Allen as Ensemble (Don't Take My Hand)

Mauro Ivo Tomasini as Ensemble (Don't Take My Hand)

Pilar Okeson as Ensemble (Don't Take My Hand)

Jeff Mora as Ensemble (Don't Take My Hand)

Dennis Powers as Ensemble (Don't Take My Hand)

John Allietta as Ensemble (Talk Show Babylon)

Tara Shisler as Ensemble (Talk Show Babylon)

Robbie Howard Chisolm as Ensemble (Talk Show Babylon)

Joseph as Ensemble (Talk Show Babylon)

Marjan Shirzad as Ensemble (Talk Show Babylon)

Lydia Ooghe as Ensemble (Fame)

Priya Chalam as Ensemble (Fame)

Andy MacInnis as Ensemble (Fame)

Ellen Mustin as Ensemble (Gov. Goober & The Dems For Daisy)

Jim Mustin as Ensemble (Gov. Goober & The Dems For Daisy)

Kasha Mustin as Ensemble (Gov. Goober & The Dems For Daisy)

Joshua Riley as Ensemble (Gov. Goober & The Dems For Daisy)

Johnny Jones as Ensemble Augustus' Last Dance

Production Team

Francine Sackett Smith - Organizer/Coordinator

Addison Ely - Production Stage Manager

Alice Reed - Stagehand

Lewis Arico - Stagehand

RB Smith - Stagehand

Maggie Moore - Set Designer

Rowena Halpin - Lighting Designer

Kat Borges - Light Board Technician

Gate Pratt - Sound Designer

Andy Rowland - Musical Direction (The Lonely Man)

Bill Van Doren - Original Art (100 Sunsets)

Bill Van Doren - Graphics (100 Sunsets)

Bill Van Doren - Music (100 Sunsets)

Justin Riccio - Musician (Don't Take My Hand)

Robin Geise - Pianist (Fame)

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