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We’re Grateful For Our Donors

We are grateful for the following individuals and organizations who are generously supporting Live Arts during our 2024/25 VOYAGES Season. This donor list recognizes philanthropic gifts received between May 1, 2024 and September 15, 2024. We make every effort to ensure that all of our donors are listed in the way they prefer. If there is an error, or you would like your name to appear in a different format, please contact us at

VOYAGES Season Sponsors

VOYAGES Show Sponsors

Dedicated to the memory of Elizabeth and Joe LeVaca for their long-standing generous support of Live Arts.
Media Sponsors:
C-VILLE Weekly & WTJU 91.1FM
Pay-What-You-Can Sponsor:
IT Partner:
PJ Networks

Live Arts is supported in party by the Virginia Commission for the Arts, which receives support from the Virginia General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts a federal Agency.

The Caplin Foundation
The Caplin Foundation
Pamela Friedman & Ronald Bailey
Molly & Matt Shadel
Woodard Properties
Bernie Murphy and Patricia Simpson
Charles & Janet Cheesman
Barbara & Jay Kessler
The Madwoman Project

Program & Event Sponsors

Hankel-Citizens Insurance
Tech Dinners:
Miller & Lee Susen
Project Access Sponsor:
The Madwoman Project

Albemarle Baking Company
Bold Rock
Mudhouse Coffee
Three Notch’d Brewing Co.

Theater Lighting Upgrade:
Dorothy Batten
Perry Foundation 
Thane Kerner
Jessica Nagle
Wyn Owens

Special thanks for a long-term investment by Ludwig Kuttner of K Holdings, Inc.

In Kind Donations

Blenheim Vineyards
Lisa Capraro
Rob Dunnenberger
Jack Brown’s Burger Joint
JLA Photography
Kathleen Mueller

Gifts From Individuals & Organizations

Michelle & Reid Adams
Mary Jane Abbitt
Cyndy Alaimo
Albemarle County
Gail Angell
Ian Ayers
Pamela Friedman & Ronald Bailey
Tony Baglioni
Lori Balaban
Robert Baumgartner
Kim & John Beard
Andrew & Margaret Beath
Terry Bennett
Ronald & Christie Berube
Tom & Betsy Bloom
Maria Borga
Lisa Bowers
Cathy Boyd
Karen & Robert Boyle
Richard & Bonnie Brewer
Heather Warren & Benedict Burgess
Rachel Baker & James Burnett
Elinor Capehart
Michael & Kris Caplin
Lisa Capraro
Andrea Carey
Elizabeth Sumpter & Brian Carlton
Kelly & Dorothy Carney
Sarah Plummer & Graham Casey
Samuel & Cyndy Caughron
Bob & Maria Chapel
Diane Cluck
Marsha Conway
Jason Crutchfield
Sue Davis-Dill
Sarajane Dickey
Jan Dix
Martha Donnelly
Honnor Dorsey
Andrew & Marybeth Dowdell
Charlotte Drummond
Bobbi & Lewis Dunn
Stephanie Finn & Scott Dunn
Hamza Durrani
Ellen L Evans
Frank & Fran Feigert
William Finn
Kay & Jeff Fracher
Deborah Frank
Linda Gonder-Frederick & Jeff Frederick
​​The FUNd at CACF
Larry & Peggy Galloway
Nancy & Jim Galloway
Cady & Bryan Garey
Joe Geick
Richard Gilliam
Grace Giras
Rebecca Girvin-Argon

Marjie Giuliano
Larry Goldstein
Kim Grosner
Barbara & Thomas Grzymala
Mike Iwanik & Vickie Gullet
Sarah Hall
William & Judy Harmon
Carolyn Friedman & Geoffrey Hayden
Karen Hays
Jim Heilman
Amy Goffman & Jim Horstkotte
Steve Hurwitz
Barbara MacCallum & Robert Johnson
Rebecca Alban Johnson
Joan & John Kammire
Catherine F. Kane
Andrei Khokhlatchev
Michael King
Mary & Donald Kirwan
Jennifer Koster
Cathy & Chris Kramer
Ron Krauss
Beth & Nicholas Kuhn
Ludwig & Susan Kuttner
Landsverk/Klarman Family
Jacalyn LaPierre
Mosie Lasagna
Kathi Lecuyer
Rebecca L’Ecuyer
Kate Leslie
Bill & Peyton Lewis
Michael Levatino
Anne Olsson Loebs
Terry Long
Jennifer Love
Manning Family Foundation
Lori Martens
Nicholas & Margareta Mattsson
Jane McBrian
Nancy Hopkins & Bruce McKenney
April McLaughlin
Kari Miller
Kinne Hoffman & Christopher Milner
Kate & Joe Monaghan
Salvatore & Severine Moschella
Gloria Morgan
George Worthington & Cameron Mowat
Matthew Murray
Amy Nash
Willa & Jim Neale
Ckalib Nelson
Cathy & Jeep Newman
Nancy O’Brien
Mark & Carolyn O’Hara
Susan Jacobson & Norm OliverThe Orange Tree Foundation
Beatrix Ost

Colin Page
Karen Pape
Jami Montambault & Hoke Perkins
Elizabeth Piper
Lisa Provence
Shawn Puller
Benjamin & Stephanie Randolph
REA Charitable Trust
Sara Rimm-Kaufman
Joan Robertson
Kathryn & Andrew Rockett
Cathryn Astin & Patti Rose
Bill & Joan Rough
Lizzy Ramey
Silas Byrne & Lauren Ryan
Jeanne Liedtka & Randy Salzman
Julie Scialla
Bette Dzamba & David Sellers
Aileen & Gary Selmeczi
Paula Shiver
Bernie Murphy & Patricia Simpson
Edward Sims
Jenn Slack
Naomi Slagowski
Craig L. Slingluff, Jr.
Fran Smith
Corinne Field & Philippe Sommer
Terri Spencer
Maria Stein
Susan Greene & Larry Stopper
Miller & Lee Susen
Anne Hunter & Scott Taylor
William Taylor
Ellen Teplitzky
Nell & Steve Tharp
Traci Thomas
Betsy & Chip Tucker
Lynda Tweel
Adora Txakeeyang
US Energy Management
Virginia Commission for the Arts
William & Nancy Wardle Fund
Bitsy & David Waters
Marian & Jerry Wendelin
John & Joan Widomski
Caroline & Bill Wilhelm
Emily Wilson
Barbara & Roger Williams
Derrick Williams
James Williams
Subagh Winkelstern
Judy Wyckoff

Gifts in Honor of

Ti Ames:
William Thomas & Helen C. Chambers:
Christina & Ernest Chambers
Anne Hunter:
John & Kate Byrne
Adam Courville
Kathy & Rob Freer
Willa & Jim Neale
The Susen Family
Karen Knierim:
Bob and Karen Boyle
Elsie Nabb:
Mary Dowdell
Jeremy Pape:
Karen Pape
Darryl Smith:
Bob Headrick & Jeff Dreyfus
Hasty & Laura Horn
Jocelyn Johnson & Billy Hunt

Gifts in Memory of

Howard Pape:
Morgan & Jeremiah Brophy Michael L. King
Evelyn Nasca:
Jacquelyn Nasca
Bill Rough:
Elizabeth Rose Fuller
Maren Stunes & Liam Gandelsman
Susan Jacobson & Norm Oliver
Gabriel and Karen Silverman:
Allan Cadgene & Family

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